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Nikki Ward
Get Dad / Granny / The local babysitter booked in and have an evening out out! That Gin Company are hosting The Mum Club Leamington Spa & Warwick for a Gin night. Included in your ticket price: * Welcome drink of a large G&T * Gin Masterclass Talk * Tasting Gins * Light sharing board food * The best company from other TMC mums! The boring - but important - bit... If you're lucky enough to look under 25, please bring ID as service may be refused without it. Drink responsibly & Don't Drink and Drive Tickets are non-refundable
Hi! My name is Nikki, and I am mum to two gorgeous girls, Grace, who was born in March 2020 and Vesper, born in October 2022!
Warwick Gin Club