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The juggle is real! As we’re all very aware.

So what items make your mum life that bit easier?

We spoke to The Ordinary and DECIEM CEO and Co-Founder, Nicola Kilner, to find out her life, style, and mum must-haves.  

How I Save Time
How I Save Time

“Using FamCal helps my husband and I stay organised with commitments and who is doing what/where, and when. Our eldest daughter, Mila, started school this September, so I have a ritual of preparing everything the night before to save any morning panics. You can never predict if you might have a night with wake-ups etc… and be tired in the morning rush.”

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How to Make Skin Look Less Tired
How to Make Skin Look Less Tired

“I’m lucky to have a great skincare wardrobe to choose from. My everyday staple is The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc %. To me, this is the product that makes my complexion appear so much clearer and brighter. It was the product that really transformed my skin and made me feel comfortable not wearing foundation.”

The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc %.
My Favourite Stylish Baby Item
My Favourite Stylish Baby Item

“It is a splurge, but I used my Artipoppe carrier so much with both of my children. My three-year-old even goes in it now. I loved having one that looks great as well as being super comfy and easy to use.”

Artipoppe Carrier
My Favourite Place to Stay With the Kids
My Favourite Place to Stay With the Kids

“We love a staycation in the UK. We recently visited CBeebies, which the kids loved. We’ve found that whilst the kids are little, we tend to enjoy active holidays a little more, whether that is a city break or we’ve been lucky to do Disney too. The children are still a little young to enjoy being in the pool all day, so we prefer being more active at this stage of their lives.”

CBeebies Land
An Item That Made the Newborn Stage Easier
An Item That Made the Newborn Stage Easier

“I chose to breastfeed and, from my experience, found it helped with soothing, was easier for night feeds and meant no sterilising. When we did combi feeding, the Minbie bottles were great to help with nipple/teat preference. With both our children, my husband and I had a routine where I would do the night wake-ups, and he would then take over 6-9 am so I could get some deep sleep in. The level of deepness I would sleep in when my body was not listening out for a child always amazed me.”

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What I used for Post-Partum Hair Loss
What I used for Post-Partum Hair Loss

“The Ordinary Multi-Peptide Hair Density Serum was also a huge win for me when coping with all the baby hair post-birth.”

The Ordinary Multi-Peptide Serum for Hair Density, 60ml

How to Deal with Mum Guilt?

“I think it’s more Mum sadness than Mum guilt. It’s not guilt, as I believe I have the right balance for what is needed, considering all factors. It’s sadness that I don’t get to savour every moment. This is contrary to much advice out there, and I say it only to show a different viewpoint of what works for me, but I don’t factor much ‘me time’ in, and I’m happy with that. Children are young for a limited time, and I know there will be a time they choose to spend it with their friends and on their own activities over time with me. So, then I’ll have extra time to read the books I want, choose massages, go to the gym etc… So, at the moment, most of my free time out of work I dedicate to spending with them.”

Best Tip for Working Mums

“Having the right support system around you that suits your lifestyle and schedule. I use working in a global position to my advantage. I can do calls with our team in Toronto/New York in the evening when the children are asleep, and in turn, I’ll take the time to do school pick up or take my youngest to playgroup etc… I believe the one good thing that came out of the pandemic is a more flexible working style. My husband and I are also good at doing bedtime and then going for a quick dinner to catch up every week, whilst one of our mums looks after the children when they sleep.”

Best Advice for New Mums

“Firstly, I think we shouldn’t underestimate the pressure on parents today. Not only is there pressure to have it all, but also constant pressure from social media. I open my feed and see continuous reels of parenting advice. Whilst some can be very helpful, it’s also important to remember the reels we see on parenting advice don’t know us, they don’t know our child, and they don’t know our situations. You have to figure out what is right for you and your family, and what is right is likely to change often. I also read a great quote that says happiness is a measure of reality relative to your expectations.”

Advice on Parenting with Your Partner

“There are things my husband is great at and things he is less so at. And vice versa for me. And whilst we can all try to improve on what is needed to make us a happy functioning parent, I believe being equal isn’t about both being good at everything but accepting your strengths. And where you both need help. Basically, I have learned to accept I’ll always be better at packing the kids’ bags and expecting differently will result in my unhappiness, but I also never have to drive on any family trip, which to me is a fair trade-off.”

Based on what you love