Home >Reply To: Work life balance Post date Nicole Knight 3 November 2022 at 8:27 am 3 November 2022 at 8:27 am New to the mum club! This is a big topic for me, came from working in retail full time to 30 hours in the NHS fresh out matt leave after being made redundant, to now working in education! I find the term time really helps the mum guilt. It’s really difficult when the only reason you work is simply financial reasons! If I could only work 2 days and not send my daughter to nursery every day I so would! But lately I’ve made a move to 4 days a week and term time and I really feel like I have that work life balance! The money isn’t great, but I can pay my bills and my daughter loves nursery and then gets me 1 day a week in the week, and weekends and school holidays! It’s still difficult but it almost feels worth it when we get that quality time today and we value every second ❣️ → Reply To: Sleep