Home >Reply To: C-section Post date Sapphire Hughes 27 December 2022 at 8:06 pm 27 December 2022 at 8:06 pm I had 3 different due dates given to me, we thought end of October, we were told at one scan beginning of November and another scan they said end of November. I didn’t know until I was 6 months gone, no signs or symptoms and religiously on the pill. My partner is submariner so we know when it happened. I was told by my consultant I’d be put on the list to be induced on the 2nd. Got through to the evening of that Tuesday and no call was made to me to say to go in. I chase them up and they say they forgot to put me on the list and tell me to go in there and then. I have 1 pessary, dialte 4cm by Friday morning. 8 hours and 30mins later the epidural is only working on 1 side and I have a possible sepsis infection. They up the epidural 3 more times than I should have had and give me an emergency c section. Recovery has been good luckily. Midwife appointments however were horrific → Reply To: Sleep