Home > Food > Life > Beat Stress By Adding These 5 Things Into Your Diet

Try incorporating some of these foods into your diet to help relieve stress naturally.

The Breakfast
The Breakfast

Not just a warming breakfast, oatmeal (porridge) is a comforting complex carb and has the ability to help reduce stress by releasing serotonin, which helps us to relax. Want to give your body even more calming benefits? Add some antioxidant-rich berries, which are packed with fibre and Vitamin C and help normalize blood pressure and cortisol levels which affect stress.

The Supplement
The Supplement

Who knew a tiny gummie could help with stress management? These clever little sweet like supplements use Ashwagandha to help you maintain healthy cortisol levels and foster a sense of calm, and reduce stress.

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The Sweet Treat
The Sweet Treat

We’ll take any excuse to eat chocolate but dark chocolate in particular helps reduce stress by lowering cortisol. It’s lower in caffiene than milk chocolate, so better for you. And it’s also high in antioxidants, which are great for overall health.

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The Evening Meal
The Evening Meal

Calming fatty fish such as salmon and tuna are rich in omega-3s, which help manage cortisol and adrenaline. They also help with low-mood and depression. And if you combine them with (anxiety reducing) asparagus, which is high in iron and folate, your meal will help to stabilise your mood.

The Tea
The Tea

Chamomile tea is a well-known stress reliever that soothes stomach issues and headaches with its calming properties. Add it to your bedtime routine and sip a cup before bed.

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