Home > Life > Style > You > I’m a Stylist, and This is How I Got My Style Back After Having a Baby

Leading Fashion Stylist Zoe Kozlik explains how she lost the ability to dress herself after having her daughter and how she managed to regain her style.

Everthing I Knew Didn’t Make Sense Anymore

“As a fashion stylist & editor, I’ve built a career around dressing people. I’m now 36, and I’ve been styling women since my early 20s, from celebs to real women – of all shapes, sizes and ages. I know how to make people feel good.”
“Everyone, except myself, it seems!”

I Felt Lost and Stopped Knowing How to Dress Myself

“At the end of my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with polyhydramnios, which meant I ballooned into an unrecognisable version of myself (*nothing to do with the daily Ben & Jerry’s’, obviously). And just after having my daughter, I bought a uniform of black baggy items, as I assumed it wouldn’t be long before I was back in my old wardrobe.
But after 2 years of mumming, not much had changed; my old clothes were still hanging up unworn and unloved, and I resented my wardrobe.
I had totally lost my sense of style, and my temporary ‘Mum Uniform’ wasn’t cutting it anymore. I needed a wardrobe overhaul. But one that wouldn’t cost me thousands. So, I set about on a mission – a whole new wardrobe – but I could only buy from Vinted. And using the money from clothes I’d listed and sold on the platform.”

Your First Step to Regaining Your Style

“Before I even thought about shopping, I realised I needed to figure out what I was looking for. I’d spent 36 years learning what shapes, colours, and cuts worked for me. And now I had to remove myself from what I instinctively knew about dressing my body and re-wire my brain. So, I treated myself like a client and did the following things.”

I Tried on Everything in My Wardrobe

Take some time out of your day or evening and start trying things on. Ask yourself these questions. Does it fit? Does it make me feel happy? When was the last time I wore it?

Then, make the following piles:

Wardrobe Keepers

. It fits and makes you feel good.
. You honestly feel like you might wear it again.
. It doesn’t quite fit, but it means something to you, and you’d be sad to let it go.

*Tip: Take the items that don’t fit but you want to keep and put them in vacuum packed bag. So they don’t clutter your wardrobe, or mind, when picking out something to wear. Then make sure you come back to them another season, or year. So you’re not just storing a mass of clothes.

Things to Sell

. You don’t love or like it that much.
. You haven’t worn it in 3+ years.

“It’s ok to hold on to memories and cherished items, but if you’re not overly fussed about it and haven’t worn it in 3+ years. Then it’s time to say goodbye. And it’s time to get selling!”

No time for Vinted or Ebay? Check out Thrift+, who sell your old clothes for you.

Rentable Items

Try renting out high-priced items – it’s a great way of keeping hold of things you love without parting with them completely.

Look at sites like: Hurr , Rent My Wardrobe and By Rotation

Finding Your New Style

“Once you’ve started making some money by selling clothes, you’ll be able to spend it.
And after trying on your old wardrobe, you should have a slightly better idea of what to shop for.

Whenever I’m dressing a new client (and, in this case, myself), i get them to clear out their wardrobe and then we re-organise it to see what they’re missing.”

Always Organise in Function

“Your life unsuprisingly changes after you have children. My wardrobe was packed with going out clothes and fashion forward pieces and i used to organise it in colour. I now spend a lot more time in jeans and trousers and athlesuire wear. I still go out but it’s just not as often.
So instead of treating my wardrobe as a whole, I’ve placed the pieces that I need to access daily. This way it’s easier for me to find a nice outfit to put on. “

Create a Moodboard

“Whenever i’m styling someone i make a Pinterest board and add pictures of items and images I like from Instagram and online.
Having a visual of what you’d like to look like helps when shopping.
I’d also suggest blocking out a few separate mornings or afternoons, where you can go to the shops. You don’t have to purchase. But you do need to be patient. It takes time but it’ll be worth it, as you’ll get to know your body again.”

Shopping for a New Wardrobe on Vinted

“Because I put in the work into getting to know my shape again, about 75% of the pieces I’ve bought on Vinted have fitted me well. If something hasn’t, then I relist and search again.”

“The algorithm on Vinted is pretty good. I spend a lot of time liking items and searching for my favourite brands, which ensures that my “recommended for you” section is always filled with pieces I love. I’ve made nearly £5000 on Vinted, and I’ve got myself a colourful, fun wardrobe filled with my favourite brands: Ganni, Damson Madder, Stine Goya, Topshop, etc…I finally feel like myself again!”

Our Favourite Pieces on Vinted

We’ve had a little scour, and some seriously great items are available to buy on vinted right now.

Based on what you love