Home > Food > Life > The Best Foods to Eat on Your Period

When period cramps kick in, heat pads and painkillers are key!

But experts at Benenden Health say that the following foods can alleviate period pain too!


Craving carb-loaded food during your period is completely normal, but these foods can often worsen symptoms such as bloating and fatigue.
However, oats are one of the exceptions. Being a complex carbohydrate, oats have significantly lower levels of carbs than simple carbohydrates (like bread or breakfast cereals). This means you can safely satisfy those carb cravings without fear of feeling bloated.

Strawberry Oat Bars
Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate

One of the most common cravings is chocolate – and the good news is this is a great sweet treat to eat on your period.
However, while you may crave your favourite milk chocolate bar, it is typically better to go for a darker chocolate instead. That’s because dark chocolate contains higher levels of magnesium, which can help relax muscles and ease the pain caused by uterine contractions.

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When you’re feeling fatigued from period pain, you might turn to sugary foods for an energy boost. However, too much sugar can just cause you to crash and feel even more exhausted than before.
For those looking for a healthy alternative, watermelon is a great sugary food to eat while on your period. That’s because the natural sugars in watermelon are more easily absorbed by the body than artificial sugars. This means you can satisfy your sweet tooth without the consequences of a sugar crash. 

Watermelon Salad

If you struggle with concentrating due to fatigue from your period, then eating more salmon can help you focus more easily.
That’s because salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help with the likes of cognitive function, mood, and inflammation. On top of this, its anti-inflammatory properties will leave you feeling less bloated.
For a vegan or vegetarian diet, you can get your omega-3 from flaxseed, flaxseed oil or chia seeds.

Spicy Salmon Bowl
Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea

While you should generally stay away from too much caffeine during your period, chamomile tea is a lifesaver when it comes to managing cramps.
That’s because chamomile has anti-spasmodic properties, which means it can help soothe the uterus during contractions. It also helps if you are struggling to sleep through period pains, as a hot cup of chamomile can help relax your body and mind, making sleep easier to come by.

Chamomile Tea Latte

For more wellbeing advice, including the best foods for your period, visit the Benenden Health website.

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