Why You Should Prioritise Healing Not Fitness in The Fourth Trimester

Have you heard of the fourth trimester? It’s the time when you’ve immediately had the baby and might be looking at ways to get yourself back to being that pre-baby person again.

Postpartum self-care is often a misunderstood and neglected part of motherhood. That’s why we’ve enlisted the help of women’s health specialist Bonney O’Connell to explain how to relax and heal your body naturally with 5 easy tips.

Bonney explains that getting back to our pre-baby selves is something we’ve all felt immense pressure to do. Although you may feel the urge to get up and go, the first few weeks postnatally is the time to really nurture your body and allow it to heal.

Should you exercise?

Embarking on any sort of exercise regimen will depend on what stage you are in postnatally and will certainly be unique to you. But one thing remains universal: we should prioritise healing, not fitness. Also, getting informed, professional advice at this stage is key. So many mums count down to their six weeks postnatal check-up, eager to jump back into their favourite pre-baby fitness activity. While this is certainly admirable, I truly urge you to slow your roll. Not only can this cause pelvic floor issues (think incontinence), but how your entire body looks, feels, and functions. How you treat your postnatal body in these first few weeks sets the stage for what comes after. Whether you are aiming to run a marathon in the future, or simply want to avoid weeing yourself when you sneeze, your body will thank you for taking the necessary time out to allow your body to heal.

Here are five ways to help your body to heal during the fourth trimester.
1. Pelvic floor exercises (Kegels)

Having a well functioning pelvic floor is crucial in preventing issues such as prolapse, incontinence and back pain post birth. During pregnancy the pelvic floor has an increasing load on it (which is why, even if you have a c-section it needs rehab post birth) then, during birth, expands to allow baby to come through, you may have torn, had an episiotomy or instrumental delivery, all of which cause damage to this area that then needs help to recover. Kegels (contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor) whilst not a long term, functional pelvic floor plan, its useful postnatally. They allow you to start feeling connected to that area again, promote blood flow and facilitate the process of healing. Be aware that initially you might not feel much you might not feel much, but sensation will return eventually. How to Kegel: Seated and upright, relaxed, imagine the seat you are sitting on is hot and as you breathe out lift the opening of your vagina (or the whole area between your legs if easier) away from the heat, inhale and relax. Think of these as HEALING not EXERCISE.

2. Improve your posture

Postnatally, you’ll most likely be holding, carrying and feeding your baby pretty much every day. Your body will bare the brunt of this, and common signs of the this will include backache and tense shoulders. To help with your posture, sit in a comfy, supportive chair when you are feeding and have all the cushions and anything else you need to allow you to sit in upright position. If you are struggling with upper back pain, try feeding lying down slightly. Invest in a sling – it’s a great way to support your posture. Relax your shoulders – trust me, do this often! Stick a post-it note to the buggy with this on to remind you.

3. Eat balanced meals and up your water levels

Eating balanced meals and keeping your hydration levels up will undoubtedly help your body recover more efficiently after you’ve had your baby. Balance out the carb cravings by eating regularly to keep energy levels up. Ditch or at least limit the caffeine. It can deplete nutrients, affect hormones, and increase stress levels. Water is key, especially if you are breast feeding – ensure you drink it regularly during the day. Take the time out to take your supplements, vitamins C, D, B12, Omega 3, magnesium and zinc are a good combination to strengthen and support your body. Batch cook a load of food that you can stick in the freezer before baby arrives. This literally stopped us from starving when I had my fourth baby. Have decent snacks in stock – so when you have run out of time there is something healthy you can grab to keep you going.


I know, I know, easy to say, harder to do when you have a new-born, right? But it’s worth highlighting that when you are relaxed, it’s easier for your body to heal. My go-to method for relaxing when it seems like there is no time at all is to focus on my breathing (even if it means hiding in the loo for five minutes to do so) Try a five count inhale/ five count exhale for just 10 breaths – This will not only help you relax, but also start the process of recovery for the muscles of your pelvic floor and core that have been under a lot of stress during pregnancy and labour. These long slow breaths will help calm your nervous system, reduce stress and re-engage the tummy muscles.

5. Get moving!

As humans, we are designed to move. But for the first few weeks it’s crucial that you let your body recover. Now I’m not suggesting you take up residence on the sofa and stay there (unless of you want to, after all, you just grew and birthed another human, you get to do whatever works for you). However, you can start to embark on low impact activities like walking. One of the things I was most grateful for when my kids were small was having a family dog. It meant that no matter what I got some fresh air each day, even if it was just taking the dog out for a quick walk around the block. Stick baby in the buggy or the sling and go for regular strolls. It’s safe, easy to do (even in the current lockdown situation) and if you’ve got a cranky baby, it will probably sort that out too! Start small – 10 minutes per day is enough and then build up gradually. The most important thing is that you listen to your body and don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Everyone’s postnatal journey is unique.

8 Easy Dinner Ideas

Run out of inspo? Don’t worry. We’ve got you!

Anyone else fed up with cooking the same old thing? *Waves

Sometimes all we need is a fresh set of ideas that don’t require a Cordon Bleu degree.

Whether you like to prep in advance or you’re a last-minute Larry, the following recipes are sure to save you.  

Prepare at lunch, win at dinner

Put the effort in a few hours earlier and leave mealtimes completely stress-free. 

Chicken and sausage casserole
Chicken and sausage casserole

Use the same method but chuck it all in a casserole dish and slow cook for a few hours instead.

Slow-cooked shredded beef ragu
Slow-cooked shredded beef ragu

A seriously mouth-watering dish that will get better and better the longer you leave it.

Roasted chicken and veg prep
Roasted chicken and veg prep

Ditch the pots and pans and whack everything in the oven to ensure a yummy meal for later.

Roasted butternut squash soup
Roasted butternut squash soup

One of the most delicious soup’s we’ve ever eaten. Tone down (or take out) the chilli to suit your tastebuds.


Last-minute throw togethers

No time for prep? Chuck these tasty dishes together in under 15 minutes flat.

Grilled avocado Caprese open sandwich
Grilled avocado Caprese open sandwich

Basically, pizza toast – pile on your favourite toppings and serve with a big salad.

Easy peasy frittata
Easy peasy frittata

Perfect for baby-led weaning, this recipe works for the whole family.

Stuffed Moroccan pittas
Stuffed Moroccan pittas

Serve with couscous for a wow-factor meal that is made in minutes.

Breakfast for dinner
Breakfast for dinner

There’s nothing quicker than scrambled eggs and who says it should be served before 11 am? Brunch, lunch, dinner, we’ll take it at any time thank you.


10 Times We Realised We Were an Adult Now

Spoiler: If you’re looking for the adult in charge, it’s probably you.

Telling Your Parents You Are Pregnant

‘Hey Dad! I have sex now!’ We had to fight the urge to apologise.

The Day You Leave The Hospital

They just let you waltz out of there with a brand new human being and absolutely no clue how to care for them.

The First Time You Say ‘My Son/Daughter’

‘My baby’ is fine, but there comes a point where your ‘baby’ graduates to ‘child’ status and you realise you’re somebody’s MOTHER.

When It’s Your Job To Make Someone Else a Doctors Appointment

Those receptionists are terrifying. Who knew you had to pay for prescriptions?!

When You Get Excited About Household Appliances

It’s not JUST a hoover. It’s a motherf*cking DYSON.

When You’re Filling In A Form Online…

…and it takes you a good 30 seconds to scroll back to your birth year. 20 year old’s born in 2001? HOW?!

When Someone Calls You Mrs/Madam/Lady

‘Why is someone shouting my MIL’s name?’ Oh no, wait… THAT ME.

When You Don’t Get ID’d Anymore

‘I don’t need to see your driver’s license, I can just count the number of bags under your eyes.’

Staying Out Past 10pm Is No Longer An Option

We used to sneak out of the house to go to parties, now we sneak out of parties to go to our house.

When You Start Buying Wine To Cook With Not Just To Drink

The good shit too.

Your Easy-Peasy Healthy Eating Plan

And guess what? You can still have chocolate (and wine!)

Comfort eating has become a trend nearly all of us have gotten into. And boy-oh-boy do we deserve it.

We’ve enlisted the help of healthy living gurus MUTU, an NHS-approved online exercise programme for Mums, as they share their easy-to-follow healthy eating rules with us.

“We need to stop calorie counting and focus on being happy, and mentally clear – because for many women, stress, anxiety and lack of sleep can all lead to comfort eating and sugar addictions. Losing weight is as much to do with the mind as it is the actions we take,”

MUTU Founder Wendy Powell.

Your easy-to-follow healthy eating plan

The general ethos of MUTU is to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, more good fats and protein, fewer grains and NO processed foods. But here’s a little more detail…

  1. Avoid processed and refined foods.
    Keep your food as close to its natural source as possible. If you can’t identify a natural source, don’t eat it. This means NO ready meals, commercially baked pastries, biscuits, cookies or cakes, take-out food, sweets, white bread, bagels, cereal bars, packaged cereals with added sugar and fizzy drinks.
  2. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
    At least three times a day, eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Try to eat raw veg and as many green vegetables as possible.
  3. Drink lots and lots of water.
    Drink lashings of purified water as well as herbal teas, very diluted fruit juice and green tea.
  4. Eat protein with every meal.
    Limit dairy-based protein and add more fish, pulses or beans to your diet. When eating meat chose organic free-range eggs.
  5. Upgrade your chocolate.
    Yes, you can have chocolate. But make it higher quality with a greater percentage of cocoa and lower amounts of sugar. Organic dark chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa solids is the best and no more than a couple of squares.
  6. Limit caffeine and alcohol.
    Ok, this might be hard, as we often live for our morning coffees and wine-time (especially when home-schooling). But don’t worry, you can still drink one cup of coffee a day and enjoy one glass of wine no more than three times a week.
  7. Eat these things at least twice a week
    Oily fish (like sardines, salmon, or mackerel) good oils, a handful of nuts and seeds (like hemp, pumpkin and sunflower)
Are Fats good for you?

“When looking towards our postpartum diets, fats aren’t the problem, but sugar, stress, processed food, not enough good fats and not moving might be”, says Wendy Powell founder of MUTU. She adds, “For years we were fed the ‘low fat’ mantra of losing weight – there was something so simple about it: fat makes you fat. This was entirely misleading because we need fats! Natural, healthy fats like those in nuts and seeds, oily fish like mackerel or salmon, avocados, eggs, and good olive oil, are important for us”.

Approved by NHS digital, MUTU is a medically recommended online exercise programme for Mums.

For more expert guidance, and information on the MUTU plan, head to www.mutusystem.co.uk

TMC In Conversation With: Millie Mackintosh On Becoming A Mum.

“I didn’t realise I could function on such little sleep!”

Sometimes, all you need is a friend to check in on you to see how you’re doing. So, seeing as we’re definitely pals. We called new Mum, Millie Mackintosh, to find out how she’s coping. Revealing everything from what it’s like to become a Mum in a pandemic, the pulls on her mental health, and the biggest shock motherhood has given her. We also picked her fashionable brain to find out how she’s kept stylish in lockdown and the coolest clothing brands she’s shopping for Sienna.”

In Conversation With Millie Mackintosh

Ok, so we know you’re a celeb, but you have ‘Mum moments’ too right?

“Every day! I recently had to cut Sienna out of a vest after a particularly bad nappy explosion. It went all over both of us!!! Luckily, I had a pack of WaterWipes nearby”.

What are 5 things every new Mum needs?
  1. A good support network.
  2. Naps in the day – when the baby naps.
  3. Not to have to think about cooking or cleaning up – it can wait!
  4. Lots of cups of tea.
  5. Constant snacks.
What’s your current wardrobe staple?
What’s your current wardrobe staple?

“I have been living in very comfortable loungewear. Most things I wear get sick on them at some point during the day, so I like anything that’s easy to wash”.

Millie loves chic comfort brand Rails.
How do you feel about your body post-birth?

“I have so much more respect for my body, especially after experiencing what it is capable of. It has changed, but I am learning to love the changes, and I feel stronger than I did pre-baby”.

Any off the radar baby style brands you like?

“A few of my favourites are Babidu, La Coqueta and Patachou and I like Zara kids too, but I know that’s not niche”

Your go-to snack to keep you going during the day

“A handful of fresh berries or a Marmite rice cake”.

The best lockdown delivery you’ve had

“Hugo surprised me with a takeaway from London restaurant Zuma. It was such a treat. I really miss going on dates, but we make an effort to have a special dinner once a week”.

What’s it been like becoming a Mum in a pandemic?

“It’s crazy, isn’t it? It’s a question I never thought I would be asked. I like to find the positives in every situation, and it has been a blessing in some ways. We have had so much uninterrupted time at home as a family, and I am very grateful that we have had Sienna to keep us busy and make us laugh. I really feel for all the parents having to home school their kids, especially those working from home… I can’t imagine how hard that is”.

How is your mental health?

“I definitely have days when I feel down about everything, and I find it hard to look on the bright side, but I remind myself that it’s normal to feel like that. I rely on a few things to boost my mood. Usually, I start by talking about it to a loved one, or I like to go for a run with a favourite feel-good playlist, cook some comfort food or have some me-time with a candlelit bath”.

The biggest surprise you had when becoming a Mum

“I didn’t realise I could function on such little sleep! Somehow you just keep going”.

Has becoming a Mum made your more eco-conscious?

“Yes, I am very conscious of trying to protect the world Sienna will grow up in, which is why I’m so thrilled that WaterWipes are now biodegradable. I love that they are still the same purity and quality as before, and just two ingredients, which is why they are my go-to. We also recycle all of Sienna’s clothes when she has grown out of them and borrowed what we can from friends rather than buying everything new”.

The 10 Questions you might have after having a baby

The three months after birth aren’t called the fourth trimester for nothing. Yes, you have your little baby, but you’re also extremely fragile, and it’s completely normal to feel a bit crap.

We put so much pressure on ourselves to know everything straight away, to bounce back to our former selves and pretend to the world that we’re handling everything like a bloody pro.

But guess what? You’ve just grown a tiny human inside of you, and now it’s out there in the world, while your body and mind are quite frankly in a state of shock.

No one, (not even your Mother-in-Law) expects you to know it all, or do it all.

So, stop being so hard on yourself and quit the compare game right now. Because everyone feels like this.

It’s your recovery, your body, your mind, your baby, and you’ll get to wherever you need to get to, in your own time!

We spoke to Clare Castell, founder of Blossom Antenatal, to answer the top ten questions that women ask after giving birth.

*Blossom Antenatal offer free breastfeeding classes, plus a variety of paid antenatal and postnatal classes to support new and expectant parents.

How do mothers feel after birth?

“Mothers can feel a range of emotions. Often, for women, the expectation is that you will fall instantly in love with your gorgeous newborn baby, but this isn’t always the case. Of course, some women will but don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t immediately feel the rush of oxytocin (the love hormone). You might just feel tired and emotional, and this is ok. Depending on your birth experience, physical recovery varies from woman to woman. Allowing yourself time to rest and recover is essential”, says Clare.

Is it normal to cry after birth?

“As with any experience in life, birth is a very emotional experience. It is normal to cry, laugh and smile, and you should meet these range of emotions with an open heart”, says Clare. Baby blues are normal, it does not make you a bad Mum or suggest that you’re not coping. The days, and even weeks, after birth are emotional and it’s ok if you get upset over small things. Just roll with it and while you’re looking after your baby make sure you are looked after too. Clare adds, “If these feelings continue and you feel overwhelmed, then you can call your GP or midwife to let them know. Talk to those that care for you and support you and if you feel you need more support then reach out. PANDA is an organisation supporting women who suffer from postnatal depression, and they have a helpline you can call just to talk”. You may even find one call is all you need.

Can a woman go crazy?

“Most women feel tired, and the changing hormones can make them feel sad one minute and happy the next. This isn’t crazy!” Says Clare. She adds, “There are some mental health conditions like postpartum psychosis, which needs immediate medical attention, but thankfully, this is a rare occurrence. If you do have thoughts and feelings that are overwhelming, or you are acting out of character, then you must speak to your doctor, midwife or health professional as help is out there”.

What is postpartum psychosis?

“This is a serious mental health condition where you must seek help urgently”, says Clare. She adds “It can be an overwhelming and frightening experience. Symptoms include severe depression, rapid mood changes, confusion and feeling disorientated. You might also feel restless, unable to sleep or concentrate and experience delusions or hallucinations”.

Can my newborn feel my emotions?

They certainly can. Newborn babies can communicate and are primed to understand emotions. It is proven that kisses from a mother to her baby can stimulate responses in their brain, and when you are emotionally upset, they can feel it in their bodies too. “They definitely feel and respond to your cues as much as you do to theirs”, says Clare. Want to know more? Clare says, “There is lots of information on Baby Brain Development on the NPSCC website”.

When can you have sex after birth?

This is completely up to you and your partner. It is whenever you feel ready. Please don’t ever feel like you have to rush and do it in your own time. Not sure, but you think there’s a problem? Clare suggests, “Always speak with your GP if you have concerns about your physical recovery”.

Is it ok I don’t feel like having sex?

“This is very normal for women after birth. Hormone changes can impact your libido and how you feel, nevermind the fact you have a newborn baby to take care of. Talk to your partner, and if it starts to take a toll on your relationship, then speaking with organisations like Relate can help. But usually, patience and time can help, plus a supportive relationship and partner”, says Clare.”

How soon after birth can you get pregnant?

This can happen as soon as your body starts ovulating. Clare explains, “There are women that find themselves pregnant six weeks after their baby’s birth, so you must use contraception. Don’t forget you ovulate before your first period so you can get pregnant before this happens”.

Why does it smell down there after birth?

Your uterus sheds lochia after birth, and while this is mostly made up of blood, it is normal for it to have a slight odour. If you notice a strong smell, it is worth speaking to your GP to ensure you don’t have an infection.

What is the meaning of postpartum?

The period just after you’ve had your baby.

Along with Blossom Antenatal’s free breastfeeding classes, they also offer paid classes in hypnobirthing, baby massage, infant first aid and sleep. For more information on Blossom Antenatal and their classes head to https://www.blossomantenatal.com

Hey, It’s Ok… To Feel Low After Birth.

A spa break would be great, thanks!

The feeling you get when your new little fam returns home from hospital, is just the best. If we could bottle and sell those ‘oh-so grateful’ emotions, we’d be bloody loaded. But it’s also a bit like a giant wave has hit you. And with that, comes a rollercoaster ride of emotions that it is entirely normal to experience. While we can’t physically come round your house and hug you. We can give you a list of things that might boost your mood when you’re feeling a bit low. Print this it out and put it on your fridge, stat.

Hey, it’s ok… to feel a little low after birth

  1. You’re doing amazing
  2. You just grew a human
  3. What ever it is, it can wait.
  4. Housework is NOT essential
  5. A nap can fix everything
  6. Food deliveries are your saviour.
  7. Cry if you need to.
  8. Have a sugary cup of tea.
  9. Breathe in, count to four, and repeat four times.
  10. Tomorrow is a new day.
No one bounces back

Fed up with seeing influencers and celebs with their perfect snap-back bodies? Guess what? They’re lying! Not even the girl in the photo looks like the girl in the photo. So quit the comparison game now. It’s OK to feel a bit shit. We all do. But trust us, it won’t last forever. You’ll either work your way to whatever shape you want to get to, or you’ll suddenly realise that you just don’t care.

Expect to cry over the smallest things

Your midwife will warn you that you might have a day or two where you can’t stop crying. And boy-oh-boy will she be right. From losing the TV remote to This Morning’s call-in section, we had tears at every turn. “Just let it out”, says practising midwife and founder of The Pregnancy Wellness Podcast @midwife_pip, “Baby blues in the first week are entirely normal. Sleep deprivation, plus new challenges, changes, frustrations, and your physical recovery, can all cause women to feel teary”. Go easy on yourself, it’s a lot to deal with, and it’s normal to be up and down.

Feeling low doesn’t = postnatal depression

“Hormones! They have so much to answer for”, says @midwife_pip “Baby Blues are a common feeling in the first week after birth, your mood may dip, and things can feel a little overwhelming. Remember you have just undergone a huge physical and psychological change and are navigating a whole new journey”. If these emotions continue and you feel like you can’t cope, talk to those that care for you and if you need more support then reach out to your GP or midwife. PANDA is an organisation that helps women who suffer from postnatal depression and they have a helpline you can call just to talk. Give it a go. You may even find one call is all you need.

It’s OK to feel a bit broken

Labour is often compared to running a marathon, never mind the nine months of pregnancy you’ve just endured. You deserve all the rest you can get! “Remember your mind and body have adapted to create, grow and birth your baby”, says @midwife_pip. She adds, “It needs time to recover – it does not happen overnight. Nurturing yourself and allowing yourself time for self-care, be it a walk, a bath or a phone call with a friend, isn’t self-indulgent. It is a necessity! Don’t allow any Mum guilt to tell you otherwise”.

10 Baby Sleep Myths That Really Need To Do One

Sleep is the new weather: it’s all we talk about and for good reason, because the second you become a parent it pretty much the sole topic of conversation – certainly in the TMC households.

Here, we break down ten of the biggest baby sleep myths. You’ll find it’s the perfect read at 2am with one eye open…

Make sure you get some sleep now, because you won’t be sleeping when the baby arrives!

Let’s squash this one right now. Show us the sleep bank account and we’ll happily start saving. Until then this makes no sense. Squirrel away a solid eight hours now, to draw out at four in the morning in eight-weeks time? Unlikely.

All Babies Sleep Through From 12 Weeks

Do they though? Is that why we’re still dealing with toddlers who wake up 15 times a night because they’re too hot/too cold/scared of the wardrobe monster? We’d love to know…

Bottle Fed Babies Always Sleep Through

We’ve done both, and we have to say we beg to differ. Bottle fed, breast fed… the only difference is whether you whack a bap or trek downstairs to the Perfect Prep Machine. Pro Tip: Get an ‘upstairs’ Perfect Prep. Or move to a bungalow.

You Should Sleep When The Baby Sleeps

We’d love to. Except for the first two months there’s every Tom, Dick and Harry in the living room eating our M&S biscuits, and when they leave there’s the small matter of cleaning the house, washing seven million piles of laundry, possibly eating something or even showering at some point. Plus, have you ever tried to nap on demand? Knowing you’ve got a maximum of 20 minutes before the kid wakes up creates far from favourable circumstances for some shut eye. We’ve never been more awake.

You Should Let Daddy Sleep On Weekdays

Let’s get this straight. We grow the kid, ruining genitalia and bikini body in the process, and when it arrives, he sleep through for five nights a week? Not on our watch.

If You Keep Them Awake All Day They’ll Sleep At Night

You’d think so, wouldn’t you. But no, this is babies we’re talking about, and they defy all laws of logic. From the hours of 6am-6pm they’ll drop off faster than a narcoleptic but when the sun goes down they are Good. To. Go. Where’s the party at, mum?

If You Put Them To Bed Later, They’ll Sleep Longer In The Morning

Again, this makes no sense. If we stayed up drinking until 3am you’d do well to see us surface before noon, but a baby will still wake up at 5.30am like clockwork. Our advice? Put them down before 7pm and then at least you’ll watch Love Island in peace.

Give Them A Dummy, Then They’ll Definitely Sleep

This one works for a while but don’t be fooled. The second that little sucker falls out the baby’s mouth they’ll be screaming to high heaven and you’re crawling around half-naked on your hands and knees in the pitch black, frantically searching for the ‘do-do’. Pro Tip: MAM do dummies that glow in the dark. You’re welcome.

The Crying-Out Method Is Bad For Your Baby

You know what’s really bad for baby? Being left in the charge of an adult so tired they feel like they’ve just downed ten sambucas and are being driven clinically insane by sleep deprivation. Let them cry it out. Don’t let them cry it out. Just do whatever it takes to survive.

The Nights Are Long, But The Years Are Short’

Like most irritating sentimental parenting clichés, this one is annoying spot on. Soak it in sis.

Exercising In Pregnancy – Our Shoulds And Should Nots

First pregnancy? Or maybe you’re tackling it with a toddler in tow? Either way, working out can feel a little scary.

You’re probably asking all kinds of questions. Like if it’s ok to run, spin and jump? Or if specific exercises can hurt your baby?

It’s completely normal to feel nervous about exercising when you have a baby growing in your belly. Lots of women find out they’re pregnant and immediately want to huddle in. And that’s a good thing! The most important thing expectant Mums can do, is to listen to their body.

However, while rest is important, you shouldn’t just sit on the sofa and eat cake for nine months.

Here is why..

The benefits of exercising in pregnancy

Keeping active gives you an easier ride throughout pregnancy, during birth, and helps with post-natal recovery.

It is also known to:
• Reduce back pain
• Boost your energy levels and mood
• Help you sleep better
• Aid digestion and relieve bloating
• Improve balance and posture
• Help prevent gestational diabetes

How much exercise should I be doing?

If you have a low-risk pregnancy, you should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a week. ”Try breaking it up into 30-minute sessions over 5 days”, suggests Pelvic Health Physio Therapist Emma Brockwell. She adds, “Remember physical activity can include housework, going for walks, gardening etc.… Moderate-intensity activity involves anything that makes you breathe faster, while you’re still able to hold a conversation. If you want to carry out high-impact exercise, then consider your current fitness ability and the level of risk of your pregnancy. If you’re at low-risk and you’ve never run before, you could start a programme like the NHS ‘Couch to 5k’. If you notice any leakage or pains, then stop and rest and then switch to something that’s lower impact”. Take it easy and listen to your body for what is suitable for you. Want more tips on the types of exercise you can do? Emma’s book ‘Why Did No One Tell Me?” has tons of advice on supporting your body in pregnancy, birth and beyond.

I haven’t exercised in ages. Am I ok to start?

The first trimester can knock you for six, and for many, it’s the most challenging part of pregnancy. It’s common to find yourself four or five months in, with a newly rounded bump and feel completely out of practice. Feeling scared to get started? Personal Trainer James Duigan says there’s no need, “the second trimester is the best time to include some safe exercise in your weekly routine”.

Follow your own footsteps

Go at your own pace. Enjoy being pregnant and find what works for you. If running and cycling now feel ambitious, try swapping them for brisk walks, swimming, or low-intensity workouts. Focus on strengthening techniques, like squats and lunges. Choose exercises that help support your body, try pregnancy yoga, or join a prenatal pilates class. Not only will prenatal classes strengthen your body, but exercising with other mums-to-be will fill you with confidence and make you realise that you’re not the only one feeling a certain way.

But I’m really nervous about exercising

There could be lots of reasons as to why you might be feeling like this. Maybe you’ve experienced miscarriage, or your last baby was delivered via an emergency method. Or, quite understandably, you’re just a bit scared of the unknown. It’s ok to feel like this, and booking in to see a pelvic health physiotherapist could give you the green light you need and a worthy appointment for any mum-to-be. The therapist will be able to assess your fitness levels, discuss what’s achievable, and then steer you on the right path for strengthening up that bod.

What exercises shouldn’t I do during pregnancy?

“It depends on your story”, says Emma Brockwell. She adds, “If you want to carry on with certain sports, then you must speak to your GP. It’s important not to bump the bump. So, avoid sports with a high risk of falling. Also, no weighted sit-ups and abdominal rotation machines after 12-weeks. No hot yoga and sports in extreme heat. I’d also strongly suggest avoiding contact sports such as football or kickboxing”.

Don’t ignore your core

Paying attention to your core is paramount. “It is crucial to pretty much everything you do”, says Emma Brockwell. She adds, “If it’s working well, then it will offer your spine and pelvis stability and reduce your chance of injury. It allows you to move more effectively, stops you from leaking urine, poo and wind and allows you to breathe optimally”.

Do you know where your core is?

For many women pregnancy and birth are the first time we really connect with our bodies. And as you start to practice your pelvic floor exercises, you may experience a light-bulb moment when it comes to locating your core. “Contrary to popular belief, your core is not your six-pack muscles”, says Emma Brockwell.

2 easy steps to finding your core

Once you’ve found it, exercising makes so much more sense.
1. Inhale through your nose and let the air rise into your lower ribs and tummy.
2. Exhale through the mouth, squeeze up from your anus in a sweeping motion towards your pelvis, up to your lower abdomen and then gently draw in your stomach as if you’re gently hugging your baby.

Emma Brockwell adds, “Your belly button should not move up, just in a little, and you shouldn’t see any gripping around your lower ribs”.

What core exercises are safe?

This differs from person to person. Generally, crunches and sit-ups should be avoided after 12 weeks. Some women can tolerate planks throughout their whole pregnancy. However, lots of people like to avoid them. Exercises like squats and lunges are deemed to be the safest form. But if you want to be sure, then it’s best to check in with a prenatal fitness expert or physio to receive a personalised recommendation. James Duigan also offers a very comprehensive guide in his book Clean & Lean Pregnancy Guide.