Home > Advice > Baby > First Baby Vs… Every Other Kid After That

You can’t jump in the same river twice, and that’s never more true than in pregnancy. The romance, the glow, the putting-your-feet-up-at-the-end-of-the-day. Yup, you don’t get that back after the first (it was romantic, right?). And that’s not the only thing that changes; here’s how…

The Announcement

First Child

Each individual reveal carefully rehearsed and fully documented, with especially purchased ‘You’re going to be a Grandma/Grandad/Auntie/Niece/Cousin/Next Door Neighbour’ cards containing scan photograph and handwritten note. Then, the whole lot filmed and edited into an emotional video montage (to the soundtrack of that sad song from Twilight) and uploaded to a box fresh Instagram channel with baby’s newly secured handle.

Second Child

After stalking you on Insta, your best mate texts you ‘pregnant or fat?’ to which you reply: ‘oh, yeah. Due in June’.

The Nursery

First Child

Gender neutral jungle theme, featuring hand-painted orangutans on wallpaper sourced painstakingly from Paris. Matching cot, changing table and wardrobe, packed with tiny, twice-ironed outfits, each with coordinated shoes and accessories. All completed and ready at three months to go.

Second Child

You scream at your husband to ‘get the Snuz Pod out of the loft’ as you mop up your waters from the kitchen floor.

The Hospital Bag

First Child

TENS machine, lavender oil, make-up, three matching ‘coming mome’ outfits, baby shoes, oil diffuser, hair straighteners and kindle.

Second Child

A onesie for them and the pyjamas you were wearing when you went into labour.

The Labour

First Child

£200 in hypnobirthing birthing classes, 12-step birth plan featuring fully-considered ‘pain ladder’ featuring precisely zero drugs.

Second Child

You train your husband to bark ‘EPIDURAL’ at every medical professional he sees.

The Name

First Child

After filling two purpose-bought notebooks with potentials, you settle on two middle names only, and mark the decision with a hand-embroidered blanket for the nursery.

Second Child

Six weeks into calling them ‘baby girl’ you let your older kid pick out a name from the less obnoxious characters in Peppa Pig, on the night before you’re due to register the birth.

The Nappies

First Child

You change them the second the line changes blue, including four times a night for a reliably dry bum.

Second Child

You remember to change them when they waddle past with junk like Kim Kardashian.


First Child

Every. Single, Night. Followed by a massage with organic coconut oil (until they’re six months old, when you can choose something in a nice bottle from Space NK).

Second Child

Twice a week. Swimming pools and rainwater count.


First Child

Everything. All the time. Constantly.

Second Child

*Googles ‘does spit clean stuff’*


First Child

Seasonal produce, puréed in state-of-the-art baby food maker. Annabel Karmel eat your (organic) heart out.

Second Child

If it doesn’t come in a jar or a pouch the kid doesn’t believe it’s food.

Screen Time

First Child

Never. Montessori-approved wooden toys chiselled by Hungarian monks, thanks.

Second Child

Has his own Netflix account.

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