Home >Pregnancy Post date Pregnancy Never have we asked Google so many questions in such a short/long period of time. Being pregnant is mental. Firstly, you grow a tiny human inside of you (which is mind-blowing in itself) but then there's a whole host of other stuff that goes on, that's frankly just odd. With hundreds of changes and reactions, that differ from woman to woman, there's no wonder we spend most of our time searching to see if everything is ok. 1st Trimester (0-3 months) Wondering if your nipples will go back to their original size or colour or if a particular symptom … Voices 8 Posts 9 3rd Trimester (6-9 months) The final part of pregnancy has arrived. And other than what to pack in your hospital bag, you may … Voices 12 Posts 13 2nd Trimester (3-6 months) Is the whole pregnancy glow thing a farce? We think it might be. And speaking of skin, why the hell… Voices 15 Posts 18 4th Trimester (Post birth) No one tells you about the support you’ll need after giving birth. The focus is very much on … Voices 8 Posts 10 Viewing 4 topics - 1 through 4 (of 4 total) → Pregnancy