Home >Work Post date Work Ah the world of work. The constant juggle of working/ childcare/ housekeeping/ everything else in between. How do we do it all?! Surely mums are one of the most productive workers out there, as we’re the ones that have to run things like clockwork or they fall apart? If you have something to say, here’s where to share it. Work life balance Can us mums every achieve work life balance? Maybe you feel like you’re nailing navigating between … Voices 46 Posts 54 Working from home Maybe you’re a working from home pro, or maybe you’re wondering how you can manage working from hom… Voices 45 Posts 53 Flexible working Wondering what even is flexible working or, would my employers be keen?! Before you re-structure yo… Voices 31 Posts 36 Maternity leave You might be worried about announcing you’re pregnant or questioning, how long is the ‘right’ amoun… Voices 19 Posts 30 Viewing 4 topics - 1 through 4 (of 4 total) → Pregnancy