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Wondering why so many celebrities opt for C-sections and if it’s the easy way out? Maybe you had an…
  • The Mum Club

      Wondering why so many celebrities opt for C-sections and if it’s the easy way out? Maybe you had an emergency caesarean, and you’re now considering your options for your next birth. Find out how others feel here

    • Polly Oliver

        I opted for elective c section as I didn’t want to be induced. I defiantly feel I’m now an advocate for c sections. Everyone is different and I can only share my experience but I was in hardly no pain and back to doing most things after a week with minimal pain. No painkillers needed after the week more as I forgot to take them regularly !! But for myself I’m scared of any pain, thinking having major surgery I would be in agony but it was nothing like what I expected at all.

      • Emma Erbillur

          I had a home birth planned and was under the home birth team throughout my pregnancy. It was lovely. Had my birthing pool all ready, had practiced my breathing and done my yoga and hypnobirthing etc. Then he was late….really late (15 days) so I had to be induced. About 12 hours later and loads of contractions, I was hardly dilated at all (1cm) and so emergency c-section it was. His little heart had slowed right down too so they were worried. Paperwork hurriedly signed as they considered a general anaesthetic over epidural, we were rushed through to theatre and a few minutes later, little Wilf was born. (Not breathing initially) crash team ran through the doors to the sound of Wilf screaming his first hello! He was fine and still is! I tell you this shortened version of my story, not in an attempt to scare anyone, but to let you know that throughout I felt totally in control, felt calm and collected and had every faith in him even when things didn’t look good. My other half was however not ok and worried sick about both of us. Maybe it was motherly instint, maybe it was my hynobirthing that gave me strength and clarity, maybe it was naivety, but all I know is that it helped. So please don’t think an emergency c section is always the panic it might seem. You can still enjoy your birth even if it doesn’t go to plan x

        • Lucinda Christodoulou

            My youngest son was a week over due, so went in to be induced, got to 2cm ( I know lame) and couldn’t cope so had an epidural unfortunately my epidural (1 out of 100,000) it didn’t go down it went up to my heart and stop it, unfortunately this then stopped my little mans heart also, I had a shot of adrenaline and came backish round to a room full of doctors and nurses and everyone available at the time, they then found an extremely faint heart beat of my little boy and sent us straight for a emergency c-section, we are both here and well, as for the after of the c-section I loved it, if I was to have another baby I would definitely be opting for a c-section. Having also had a vaginal birth with my eldest and even though the experience was traumatic I definitely preferred the after of a c-section. ( but definitely not an easy way out as some like to say)

          • Lauren Webber

              This is an incredible story!! Thank you for sharing.

            • Marie Pettitt

                After an awful labour with my first born back in 2012, when I became pregnant again in 2014, I opted for a c-section. The whole experience for me was so relaxed. I knew the date I was having my baby so I could plan child care for my other child and it gave me time to prepare for the surgery. Not to say I wasn’t scared as I was extremely nervous of the unknown, what the procedure was going to be like and also the recovery afterwards. All went well and we welcomed a baby girl in Jan 2015. The first few days afterwards I was very sore but regular painkillers helped to ease that and once I was up and walking about I recovered really well. 2017 arrived and I was expecting another baby girl and natural I was put in for a planned c-section again. Another very successful and relaxed experience. Again I recovered extremely well and was able to manage the craziness of 3 children. Roll on 5 years to March 2022 and we welcomed our 4 child via a planned c section again. My experiences of c-sections has been nothing but positive and I would encourage anyone that may of been through a traumatic birth to consider one.

              • Sapphire Hughes

                  I had 3 different due dates given to me, we thought end of October, we were told at one scan beginning of November and another scan they said end of November. I didn’t know until I was 6 months gone, no signs or symptoms and religiously on the pill. My partner is submariner so we know when it happened. I was told by my consultant I’d be put on the list to be induced on the 2nd. Got through to the evening of that Tuesday and no call was made to me to say to go in. I chase them up and they say they forgot to put me on the list and tell me to go in there and then. I have 1 pessary, dialte 4cm by Friday morning. 8 hours and 30mins later the epidural is only working on 1 side and I have a possible sepsis infection. They up the epidural 3 more times than I should have had and give me an emergency c section. Recovery has been good luckily. Midwife appointments however were horrific

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                        • Edita Olesiak

                            Hello lovely ladies,

                            Did you guys do an elective C-section in a private hospital? I’m a new expecting mum and checking what’s available and where. Any tips on where I can find that information

                          • Lucy Chow

                              While some celebrities may opt for planned C-sections due to scheduling or medical recommendations, it’s not necessarily an “easy way out.” Each birth method has its challenges and impacts on recovery. Hearing others’ experiences can provide valuable insights and support for those considering their options, whether it’s due to a previous emergency C-section or other factors. Understanding different perspectives half body sexdoll can help in making informed decisions and feeling empowered in the birthing process.

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