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The day has come, and your little one is off to ‘baby school’. Expect to feel a whole l…
  • The Mum Club

      The day has come, and your little one is off to ‘baby school’. Expect to feel a whole load of emotions but also a tremendous sense of freedom. But how do you know which is the right one for you? What questions should you ask, and is it normal that they don’t really sleep there? Find out how other mothers coped here.

    • Leonie Little

        My little girl started nursery today!!
        She had some settling in sessions last week and loved it. No tears, happily went to play.
        Today was her first official “full” day, she had to be peeled off me crying. I got in the car and had a little cry myself. Massive separation anxiety on my behalf but I’m sure as soon as I was out of sight she was fine!

        My first choice nursery had space for her, I’d been to view it. Instantly connected with the staff. They gave me so much information. I couldn’t think of any questions to ask.
        I just got a good feeling and it’s only 5 mins round the corner which for me is a massive bonus.

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          • Billi-Jo MacWhirter

              It’s always going to be nerve wrecking when your little one(s) go to nursery or pre-school for the very first time. And the first week of just gut wrenching, you’re both full of emotions, and you wonder how on earth you should feel. They come home emotional and tired, and you wonder whether it was the best decision, but it is and once a few weeks past and your little one gets adjusted, you’re glad to see them go!!

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