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Deliberating if the cry out method is a bit cruel and when you can actually do it? Do you need to r…
  • The Mum Club

      Deliberating if the cry out method is a bit cruel and when you can actually do it? Do you need to reduce day naps to bag a better night’s sleep? Plus, how the hell do people even get their babies to sleep through successfully? Share in the madness, dissolve the lies and *hopefully find out some insider secrets here.

    • Lauren Webber

        My Daughter Wakes up every morning really early. We feel like we’ve tried everything. Anyone got any pointers. She goes to bed at 7.

        • Sergiy CharlesDaniels

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        • Alice Curry

            I’m sure you have…but…have you tried a ‘Gro Clock’? I swear by them, especially when they’re a little older and can really grasp the concept! I always say if they wake before the sun, stay in bed and read a book. Or I leave a little pile of sticker books etc by their bedand switch it up each day to keep them occupied…meaning a little extra sleep for you! Also, a dinner rich in iron, and things like pure cherry juice (mixed into yog or a smoothie), almonds, or a banana before bed are great for boosting the melatonin levels.

            • Tamara B

                I second the tart cherry juice! Works wonders

            • Nikki Farrell

                We’ve hit the 4 month sleep regression, though my boys sleep never progressed from waking every 3 hours anyway ha! Any ideas on how to help soothe him back to sleep at 3am?

              • Leanne Bone

                  My baby has started waking at 5am, how can I get him to sleep in a bit longer as this is tiring!! Sometimes he goes back to sleep, but by 6am he’s awake for the day.
                  We settle him at 6pm with a bottle and can’t drag his bedtime routine out any longer than 5:30 as he gets really grizzly.
                  Any tips??

                • Amy Littler

                    My baby is restless all night although he is sleeping 8.30-7.30. He moves all night in his sleep but is not waking up for a feed. Just sometimes needs cuddling back to sleep. He is  keeping me up most of the night? what can I do???

                  • Emma Howarth

                      Putting our little girl in a sleeping bag has been a game changer as she sleeps for much longer periods between feeds now.  We did a bit of research and found that Which? recommended the safety ratings of sleeping bags from Asda, John Lewis and Mamas and Papas.

                    • Chloe Rogers

                        Looking for recommendations for baby monitors; ideally I want one that has two seperate cameras for different rooms and all links together but can also connect to my phone?

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                            • Pera Toj

                                Some parents swear by this method because it can teach a child to self-soothe and fall asleep on their own. But let’s be honest, listening to your baby cry can be excruciatingly painful. And I would also like to ask, if it is of course possible here, do you use sunglasses for your children in sunny weather? I think a lot of sun can be harmful to children’s eyes, so I ordered glasses from https://glassesstore.co.uk/

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                                    • Mia Amelia

                                        The “cry it out” method can help babies learn to self-soothe and develop better sleep habits, though it’s not for every family. Some prefer gentler approaches, like Dr. Harvey Karp’s techniques. Reducing daytime naps can sometimes improve nighttime sleep, but too little sleep during the day can lead to overtiredness, making it harder for babies to sleep at night. To get babies to sleep through the night, consistency in bedtime routines and helping them learn to self-soothe are essential. If you’re trying to increase your social media presence while learning parenting tips, you might consider ways like buying real Instagram likes to boost engagement. But remember, real connection and consistent effort often lead to longer-lasting results than shortcuts. In the end, finding a sleep method that works for you and your baby is all about patience and consistency.

                                      • Mia Amelia

                                          The “cry it out” method can help babies learn to self-soothe and develop better sleep habits, though it’s not for every family. Some prefer gentler approaches, like Dr. Harvey Karp’s techniques. Reducing daytime naps can sometimes improve nighttime sleep, but too little sleep during the day can lead to overtiredness, making it harder for babies to sleep at night. To get babies to sleep through the night, consistency in bedtime routines and helping them learn to self-soothe are essential. If you’re trying to increase your social media presence while learning parenting tips, you might consider ways like buying real Instagram likes to boost engagement buy likes on instagram. But remember, real connection and consistent effort often lead to longer-lasting results than shortcuts. In the end, finding a sleep method that works for you and your baby is all about patience and consistency.

                                        • Jane Bisping


                                          • Frank 4697

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                                            • Jenny Snorthouse

                                                So guys we all want our little baby’s to be comfy and safe in there cot. (We want them there more often than not) But we also need them to be safe outside there cot when playing. I didn’t know how to make sure of this, until another mom recommended me foam. I feel like if I don’t pass this knowledge on then maybe a baby could avoid being hurt but there’s a foam called closed cell. I think it is what is used in mats (not too sure) however i got a square piece a inch thick cut to the size of my sons play pen and now i have peace of mind that he wont hurt his little self whilst playing, he’s always stumbling and falling over, I would recommend all you mums to be to have a look at this for peace of mind.

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