Home > Reviewed By Us > Reviewed by us: Tommee Tippee GroClock Connect Sleep Trainer

Reviewed by TMC Editor Lydia House

Pro IconPros

Easy to set up

Helps your toddler understand sleep and wake-up times

You can enable a child lock

Good for children aged 2+

You can schedule wake times

Con IconCons

You can’t schedule sleep times

Toddlers can turn it off (if the lock isn’t enabled), unplug it or ignore it

Younger toddlers might not understand it

What is it?
What is it?

A sleep training clock that helps your child learn when it’s time to go to sleep and wake up. The screen can be set to a particular colour at night and another for the day. It can be set manually with a button, or if you want to put on a child lock, you can do it via the app. It can also play soothing sounds and lullabies.

Overall Thoughts...
Overall Thoughts…

Our eldest son was waking up extremely early, so we bought this clock hoping to regain some normality. He was around 1-2 years old when we first tried it, but he was too young to grasp the idea, and the clock went back in its box. As he got older and was around 3 ½, we decided to try again and had much more success. It’s mainly helped us solidify that it’s not time to wake up yet. But by no means is it a miracle worker. However, it does help us explain when bed and wake-up times are.

Would You Recommend It?
Would You Recommend It?

Having it as a point of reference has certainly helped us with trying to regulate early wake-ups. Sometimes our son will get up and tell us that the bear is awake; other times, he’ll ignore it and just do whatever he wants. I would recommend it, but don’t bet your life on it as, from my experience, children will do whatever they want. I’d also say you need to wait until your child is a little older than two. We tried it on both our children at that age, and it didn’t make a difference.

Any Downsides?

On a few occasions, our son has unplugged the clock, and he’s also pressed the button to wake the bear up. So, we now have that option locked, and it’s a bit of a pain to remember to do it via the app, and we frequently forget. Strangely, you can schedule the wake-up times but can’t do the same with bed.

Tommee Tippee Groclock Connect

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