Home >Baby Post date Baby Welcome to motherhood, aka the club that holds a gazillion questions. Whether you're obsessed with sleep (aren't we all?) or you're concerned your baby isn’t feeding correctly - here's a space for you to connect to other mums. Because let’s face it, we’re all in the same crazy semi-sinking boat! Sleep Deliberating if the cry out method is a bit cruel and when you can actually do it? Do you need to r… Voices 20 Posts 22 Feeding Honestly, who knew that feeding your baby could feel so overwhelming. TV shows and movies portrayed… Voices 17 Posts 20 Teething If we got a pound every time we heard the sentence, “Oh, they’re probably teething̶… Voices 6 Posts 7 Colic/Reflux Baby won’t stop crying? And you’re feeling desperate? Everyone out there will suggest i… Voices 11 Posts 13 Viewing 4 topics - 1 through 4 (of 4 total) → Pregnancy