Home >Post-partum Post date Post-partum We spend a whole 9+ months being treated like a queen, and then BAM! You're a mum, and it's all baby, baby, baby. But YOU still need a shed load of support. Not only do you feel a bit broken from birth, but mentally you're not the same, and that's completely ok. There's nothing like a problem shared and halved when it comes to motherhood, so use this as a breathing space, and you'll feel a whole lot better. Health & nutrition Wondering what you can and cannot do, when it comes to dieting and working out? And did other new m… Voices 11 Posts 15 Recovery Whatever birth or pregnancy you had, there’s going to be an element of recovery involved. You… Voices 13 Posts 18 Mental health Anyone else see Instagram captions paired with baby photos that say, ‘Thank you, darling baby… Voices 16 Posts 20 Viewing 3 topics - 1 through 3 (of 3 total) → Pregnancy